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Saturday, January 31, 2015

Keep it Classy and Feminine!

I have reached a certain point in my life where I have realized that it is important to be classy and feminine. Many women think that being feminine is having a face full of make up, wearing short skirts and having the perfect body. It is not! Classy women do not walk around  half naked to get attention neither do they have to use lots of make up to look good. That does not mean you should walk around looking like a hot mess and not putting an effort in how you look. Always try to look your best but at the same time you do not have to break the bank to do it. Put a little effort on how you look. Sometimes I don't understand those women who take pride in saying how they don't care about make up and how they put little time in getting ready for the day. How do you just jump out of bed, grab the first outfit you see and walk out the  door. Seriously? The least you can do is to put on some moisturizer or at least some sunscreen. The sun is the number one cause of skin aging so when choosing your moisturizer please ensure that it has some sunscreen.

Next try to get some make up. It does not have to be over the top neither does it have to be expensive. Shape your brows and use a brow pencil to fill them in. Get some eyeshadow, mascara and foundation to use on your face. A little lip gloss or lipstick will not hurt. When it comes to make up less is more.

They say that hair is a woman's glory, that should be in the bible I suppose. Make sure your hair is neat. Wash your hair regularly and for heaven's sake do not keep the weave on your head for too long,  three weeks to a month is long enough. I know what you are thinking, you probably do not have enough money to buy a weave all the time but the least you can do is  wash your hair, blowdry it and hold it neatly in a pony tail. Use sheen on your hair to make it look glossy and shiny.

Make sure you always smell good, use some perfume or body splash and don't forget to use deo.  If you want scent to last through out the day you can layer the scents, this means you use soap/body wash,lotion and deodrant/body splash with the same scent. Camay range of products do this very well. I have tried it and it keeps you fresh all day.

Keep your nails short and clean. You can enhance them by applying a coat of nail polish, chipped nail polish is a no-no. You can paint your own nails at home, nail polish is now being sold for as little as Kshs 20.

Always ensure that your clothes are clean and well pressed. Buy clothes your size and make sure they are fitting, do not buy a dress that is a size too big or too small hoping that someday you will fit into it. Keep up to date with the current trends by going through magazines, fashion blogs and even newspapers. You do not know how much going through magazines has made life easy for me especially when buying clothes at the 'sunshine boutique', you are able to pick clothes easily at the open air market because you already know how they look when worn. Please buy feminine clothes something with a little frills here and there, sequins and girly colors, we don't want to be guessing whether you are a man or woman when you are walking down the street. Ensure the clothes are not too tight or too short neither should your bust be out for all and sundry to see. Cover up a little bit, leave something to the imagination.Wear heels once in a while and make sure you can walk in them, I said walk not gully creep. Ensure that your shoes are clean and your toe nails are on point.

Wear earrings that are feminine, something that is dangling.Something more like chandelier earrings. Let us leave hoops out of this (even though I wear them) they are not classy. Ever heard of the loop earring theory? Google it!

Wash your face with facial was twice a day and use a good cleanser on your face.  Do not sleep with your make up on and drink eight glasses of water a day. Getting a good nights sleep is also important in making your skin glow, do not sleep for less than eight hours a day. I am one of those people who cannot do with little sleep, it shows on my skin. Be good to your body, treat yourself to something nice once in a while, stay away form toxic relationships and put God first in your life no make up beats the glow of having God in your life.

 Last but not least, SHAVE! Shave your armpits, legs and arms if you are hairy. a woman is supposed to have soft, silky skin. Scrub your feet with a pumice stone and oil your feet. You might think this is common sense but you should see the number of hairy armpits on display and the number of cracked, dry feet walking around.

 Always be yourself and stop coping other people's style, wear what works for you and flatters your figure. I have a friend who buys everything I buy so we somehow look like we have the same style even the though we do not. Do you!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Ankara Pants

There is a time I was so obsessed with ankara, I would sew my own outfits by hand. That is how impatient I was.I honestly did not have the time and patience to play cat and mouse games with fundis (tailors). So at some point I decide that I was going to sew my own ankara pants by hand, let's just say things didn't go as planned and I ended up changing the pants into a skirt. By the way am I the only person who likes designing my own stuff just to avoid so many unnecessary questions from the tailor? Oh well I guess it's just me. If you decide to go the ankara pants way here is some inspiration...by the way I just love the way they look when you pair them with white vests.  plus some day I am going to share some pictures of the ankara stuff I have sewn by hand then I will see how many thumbs up I will get.

Which one is your favorite?

Friday, January 16, 2015


Recently I got a job in an office, that is when I realized that I had no work Clothes. My wardrobe was full of all colors and designs of denim. I remembered the number of times I would go shopping and I would give official wear a wide berth. I also moved into my own house which means that I have to buy furniture for my new house, my budget is kind of tight and therefore buying new is out of the question, that means I have to make do with a few clothes. I am telling you it got to a point where I had to wear the same outfit twice in a week. Anyway, I am slowly trying to build my wardrobe and I am going to share with you pictures of outfits that I have been trying out or looking forward to buy.

 I totally fell in love with this grey suit. It is just perfect. As I buy official wear I have come to realize that sometimes you are better of focusing on the quality of fabric than the number of outfits you can buy. So don't be afraid to spend some money on a great outfit.

 You can't go wrong with this black and white outfit. Better still you can always wear the trouser with different kinds of tops  and different kinds of shoes and no one will notice.
This outfit is simple and cute. A black skirt is easy to find and it is affordable.

You an also wear girly colors.

 A green sweater worn over a  plaid shirt doesn't look so bad.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Pencil Skirt

Welcome to my blog. I love fashion and I have always admired what fashion bloggers do. Since I don't have time to shop for new stuff all the time (I guess I am just broke) neither am I photoegenic I have decide to use photos from other people who can do it, put them together and give you ideas on how you can put together fabulous pieces.

I will start by introducing you to the pencil Skirt. For the longest time I had never imagined myself in it probably because I do not have the legs for it. Of late I have thrown all caution out of the window and I have started embracing them. Here are some photos of what I got as I was trying to figure out how to wear them.

I totally love this look! Who wouldn't? I love the choice of colors

and the skirt fits perfectly.

The black skirt is ideal for the office, you can wear it with a printed top.

Fell free to wear it with a cropped top for a more casual look.

You can't go wrong with polka dots.

This look is just perfect, I love ankara too much. Try out this look and let me know how it goes. See you soon.